In March '56 Hilton achieves the illusion of what lies beyond the pictorial space rather than what is confined by it. His increasing use of varying brushwork is evident, with...
In March '56 Hilton achieves the illusion of what lies beyond the pictorial space rather than what is confined by it. His increasing use of varying brushwork is evident, with broad gestural swathes and stippled impasto.
The Artist's Estate, Waddington Galleries Offer Waterman Fine Art, 2011 Private collection, 2011 - 2022
Australia, British Council touring exhibition 1959, Recent Paintings by Seven British Artists, cat no 34 London, Jonathan Clark Fine Art, Modern British Art, Autumn 2003, cat no 43
Andrew Lambirth, Roger Hilton, The Figured Language of Thought, Thames Hudson, 2007, illus p 114